Waybiller and Nærøysund Kraftbetong Team Up in Norway

Waybiller has partnered with Nærøysund Kraftbetong, marking our first venture into the Norwegian market. This collaboration is a demonstration of Waybiller’s dedication to making logistics paperless on a global level, as well as embracing innovation, and pioneering change in logistics.


About Nærøysund Kraftbetong


Operating in the mining and logistics sector, Nærøysund Kraftbetong works under the umbrella of the Nærøysund Group. The operations of the company span in three distinct areas, first one being the mining and sale of bulk assortments, such as gravel, sand, top soil, etc. The second is the production of ready-mixed concrete and the third is transportation, for both bulk material and concrete. The firm has quarries strategically positioned around Kolvereid, namely Stakkskaret Quarry, Storbjørkåsen Grustak, and Hagan Quarry.

Our Journey Together


Our engagement with Nærøysund Kraftbetong began when we started looking for early adopters in the mining sector to pilot our e-waybill technology, which is already a success in Estonia. The relationship built in our initial meeting swiftly transitioned our partnership to the piloting phase. First step in that phase was to send our experienced Customer Success Manager, Külli to Norway to map out the exact situation, conduct a training, and to integrate the first two loaders to Waybiller. This integration of loaders allowed automating the weight recording directly from the loader’s scale onto the e-waybill. Currently, Nærøysund Kraftbetong is testing the new software on internal projects and will soon move all shipments into digital format.


A Glimpse into the Future

We aim to integrate at least three more loaders of Nærøysund Kraftbetong this year with our system. We also plan more training for end-users, and to create manuals in Norwegian. Soon we will introduce the software for Nærøysund Kraftbetong’s clients, enabling them to collect their data from Waybiller in real-time and enjoy the value of using digital waybills. By next year, we also plan to improve our software based on the clients’ feedback, aiming to further automate daily operations.

After the initial internal testing, Nærøysund Kraftbetong is expecting to increase efficiency in administrative tasks, such as manual data collection and entry from paper waybills, reporting to clients, and invoicing. The surprisingly useful element of switching to digital waybills was the real-time overview of all waybills, which gives the opportunity to spot errors right away. Lastly as the weight data to waybills is coming directly from the scale brain, the data accuracy has already improved on pilot projects significantly.


Why Norway?

Waybiller, being under the Thorgate group, already has strong ties with the Norwegian market. We’ve found similarity in our work culture, and passion for innovation, which has led to Norway being a priority for the Waybiller team. Waybiller also has investors from Norway, who believe that there is a need on the market for better digital solutions. We’ve seamlessly incorporated Norwegian within our software, ensuring native language compatibility.

Our broader vision is to establish Waybiller as the go-to E-waybill solution in Norway and champion the transition to a paperless logistics sector.


In the words of Waybiller partner, Külli Kerem, “Our pilot customer in Norway, Nærøysund Kraftbetong makes an excellent partner for Waybiller. They are very interested in digitalising their operations and work closely with us to implement the system into their processes”


If you envision a paperless future and are eager to adopt e-waybills, then reach out to us at support@waybiller.com to discuss this further.

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